

  • Stanmore
  • London
  • United kingdom, Ha7 1DX

Case Study: Revolutionizing Football Training Camp Payments with Subscription Model Website


Written by Viral Shah

May 7, 2021

Client Overview:

PlayerFirstFA is a leading football development centre dedicated to nurturing young talent in boys and girls aged 5-13. Based in Uxbridge, London, PlayerFirstFA offers comprehensive football training camps aimed at enhancing skills and fostering a love for the sport among children. However, the organization faced a significant challenge in managing monthly tuition fees, as the traditional payment system required manual follow-ups with parents, leading to inefficiencies and delays in revenue collection.


The primary goal of PlayerFirstFA was to streamline the payment process for their football training camps by implementing a subscription model website. This solution aimed to automate monthly payments, reduce administrative burden, and enhance the overall user experience for parents and guardians.


PlayerFirstFA partnered with Saneswap to develop a subscription model website tailored to their specific needs. Leveraging the robust capabilities of WooCommerce, Saneswap implemented a seamless payment system that allowed parents to subscribe to monthly football training camps for their children.


Key features of the solution included:

  • Integration of WooCommerce subscription model: After rigorous testing, WooCommerce emerged as the most reliable platform for handling recurring payments, ensuring stability and security.
  • User-friendly interface: Recognizing the non-tech-savvy nature of the target audience, the website was designed with simplicity in mind. Detailed forms and clear messaging reassured parents about the safety of online payments.
  • Customized order forms: Prior to payment, parents were required to fill out a form related to the specific training camp order, facilitating smooth tracking and management of participants.


The implementation of the subscription model website yielded impressive results for PlayerFirstFA:

  • Revenue increased by 150% within just two months of launching the website.
  • Over 256 children enrolled in the football training camps within the first three months, indicating a significant uptick in participation.
  • Administrative workload and time spent on payment follow-ups were substantially reduced, allowing the organization to focus more resources on enhancing the quality of their training programs.

Challenges and Lessons Learned:

Despite the success of the project, PlayerFirstFA encountered challenges along the way:

  • Abandoned checkouts posed a significant hurdle, requiring strategic interventions to encourage users to complete their orders.
  • Geo-targeted marketing efforts, particularly through WhatsApp video marketing, played a crucial role in reaching the local audience and driving sign-ups for the training camps.

Future Outlook:

While no immediate plans for further optimization or expansion of the website’s features are currently in place, PlayerFirstFA remains committed to leveraging the subscription model to sustain and grow its business in the long term.


By embracing innovative solutions and partnering with Saneswap, PlayerFirstFA successfully transformed its payment process, paving the way for enhanced efficiency, increased revenue, and greater satisfaction among parents and participants alike. The subscription model website stands as a testament to the organization’s dedication to delivering top-notch football training experiences while embracing the digital transformation of its operations.

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