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Case Study: Kidzescape – Transforming the Escape Room Experience for Kids

Casestudy- Kidz Escape_Hero Image

Written by Viral Shah

March 11, 2023


Kidzescape, a leading provider of escape rooms designed specifically for kids, faced significant challenges with their outdated website. Their clients struggled to manage bookings effectively, while users found it cumbersome to reserve escape rooms due to the lack of a streamlined booking system. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, Kidzescape embarked on a website redesign project aimed at enhancing user experience and introducing a robust booking system.

  1. Inefficient Booking Management: The absence of a booking system made it difficult for Kidzescape to manage reservations accurately, leading to potential scheduling conflicts and administrative burdens.
  2. Poor User Experience: Users encountered obstacles when attempting to book escape rooms, resulting in frustration and a potential loss of business for Kidzescape.

To address these challenges, Kidzescape partnered with BriqBookings, a leading provider of booking management solutions, to revamp their website and implement a feature-rich booking system. The redesigned website focused on improving both user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), ensuring a seamless booking process for parents and an engaging interface for kids.

Key Features Implemented:
  1. Comprehensive Booking System: The new booking system facilitated multiple bookings simultaneously, allowing customers to reserve combination rooms for various activities such as birthday parties. It incorporated a flexible scheduling mechanism to accommodate different group sizes and allocated sufficient time between bookings for cleaning and setup.
  2. Visibility for Special Events: Kidzescape prioritized the visibility of special events, such as kids’ birthday parties, by integrating meal selection options directly into the booking process. This enhanced the overall customer experience and streamlined event planning for parents.
  3. Mobile-Friendly Design: The redesigned website was optimized for mobile devices, catering to the preferences of modern consumers who frequently browse and book services on their smartphones.
  4. E-Invites and Communication Tools: Kidzescape implemented features for sending electronic invitations and communicating with guests via the website and email, simplifying event coordination and enhancing customer engagement.
  5. Clear Start and Finish Times: The booking system provided clear information on the start and finish times of each activity, ensuring transparency and helping customers plan their visits effectively.
  1. Improved Customer Experience: The revamped website and booking system significantly enhanced the customer experience, making it easier and more enjoyable for parents to book escape rooms for their children.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Kidzescape experienced improved efficiency in managing bookings, thanks to the automated features of the new system, reducing the likelihood of errors and conflicts.
  3. Expansion of Services: With the introduction of additional features and services, such as meal selection and event planning tools, Kidzescape attracted new customers and expanded its market reach.

By collaborating with BriqBookings and prioritizing user experience, Kidzescape successfully transformed its online presence and elevated the escape room experience for kids and parents alike. The implementation of a comprehensive booking system, coupled with a user-friendly website design, has positioned Kidzescape for continued growth and success in the competitive entertainment industry.

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